Theresa May has renewed her criticism of Donald Trump after the US president shared anti-Muslim videos from far-right hate group Britain First, risking his infamous wrath on social media.
The Prime Minister told reporters at a press conference in Jordan that the UK’s so-called special relationship with America “does not mean we are afraid to say when we think the United States have got it wrong”.
“I am very clear that retweeting from Britain First was the wrong thing to do,” she said.
May’s comments could now provoke Trump into a further Tweet storm, following his earlier message addressed directly to the PM on the social network.
Trump issued a response to May’s account late on Wednesday, saying to her: “[D]on’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom”.
May did not directly address a late-night tweet by Trump, and in a further comment she cautioned: “I have made my position clear on the tweets that I have seen from President Trump.”
She continued: “But let me be clear on the relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States.
“It is a long-term special relationship that we have, it is an enduring relationship that is there because it is in both our national interests for it to be there.”
And asked whether Trump’s planned State Visit would be cancelled, May said: “An invitation for a state visit has been extended and has been accepted. We have yet to set a date.”
The PM was speaking at a press conference in Amman, Jordan, following a meeting with the country’s King Abdullah.
Trump shared anti-Muslim videos published by Britain First’s deputy leader Jayda Fransen on Wednesday morning, prompting widespread condemnation.
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