Lewis Hamilton may well have thought he was off the hook after issuing an apology for the insensitive comments he posted on his Instagram story over Christmas, but the matter isn’t quite over yet.
For those not quite up to speed, Lewis came under fire from many of his Instagram followers on Christmas Day, after he posted a video of his nephew sporting what he described as a “princess dress”.
After declaring he was “so sad right now”, he was then seen berating the young boy, telling him: “Boys don’t wear princess dresses.”
Unsurprisingly, Lewis came under fire for “publicly shaming” his nephew, and after the clip was removed from his page, the F1 driver apologised to those he’d upset in a string of tweets.
“I love that my nephew feels free to express himself as we all should,” he explained, “My deepest apologies for my behaviour as I realise it is really not acceptable for anyone, no matter where you are from, to marginalise or stereotype anyone.
“I have always been in support of anyone living their life exactly how they wish and I hope I can be forgiven for this lapse in judgement.”
As far as celebrity apologies go, this is one of the better ones we’ve seen in 2017. He acknowledged he did wrong, apologised and said he’ll try and do better in future. It certainly seems sincere, right?
Well, a quick glance at Lewis’s Twitter “likes” tells a rather different story.
Yes, it seems that while Lewis was quick to apologise publicly, he was also liking messages from his followers blasting “keyboard warriors”, lambasting the “PC brigade” and lamenting that “political correctness” had - you guessed it! - “gone mad”.
Lewis has now come under fire once again, with many branding his original apology both “insincere” and “empty”:
HuffPost UK has reached out to representatives for Lewis Hamilton for further comment.
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