You Can See More: Dementia care: Watching TV for this many hours a day could contribute to memory decline 9:27 AM Daily Express :: Health Feed No comments The following article Dementia care: Watching TV for this many hours a day could contribute to memory decline is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed DEMENTIA is a general term used to describe different conditions associated with an ongoing decline of brain functioning. There’s currently no cure but one study has suggested how long you watch TV for can contribute to memory decline. Share It Facebook Twitter LinkedIn BLOG AUTHOR Please add Follow him @ Linkedin | Instagram | Twitter Related Posts:You Can See More: Record number of over 60s hospitalised due to cocaine abuseThe following article Record number of over 60s hospitalised due to cocaine abuse is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed Over 60s are ending up… Read MoreYou Can See More: Polyuria is the most 'common diabetes' symptom - the key sign that strikes on the looThe following article Polyuria is the most 'common diabetes' symptom - the key sign that strikes on the loo is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Fee… Read MoreYou Can See More: Eyesight warning: 'Processed' food can lead to the accumulation of fluid under your retinaThe following article Eyesight warning: 'Processed' food can lead to the accumulation of fluid under your retina is courtesy of Daily Express :: Healt… Read MoreYou Can See More: The four most ‘common’ side effects of Covid booster and expert advice on how to ease themThe following article The four most ‘common’ side effects of Covid booster and expert advice on how to ease them is courtesy of Daily Express :: Healt… Read MoreYou Can See More: Rhinorrhoea is ‘top’ Covid symptom in double jabbed - seen in 83% of casesThe following article Rhinorrhoea is ‘top’ Covid symptom in double jabbed - seen in 83% of cases is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed From lo… Read More
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