You Can See More: Cancer symptoms: Clinical oncologist warns of 'unusual' signs of a growing prostate tumour 8:43 PM Daily Express :: Health Feed No comments The following article Cancer symptoms: Clinical oncologist warns of 'unusual' signs of a growing prostate tumour is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed PROSTATE cancer accounts for 48,000 diagnostic cases each year in the UK; if caught early, it's one of the most treatable cancers there is. Clinical oncologist Professor Heather Payne spoke exclusively to about the disease. Share It Facebook Twitter LinkedIn BLOG AUTHOR Please add Follow him @ Linkedin | Instagram | Twitter Related Posts:You Can See More: John Travolta: The rare condition that killed his son - what is it and what are the signs?The following article John Travolta: The rare condition that killed his son - what is it and what are the signs? is courtesy of Daily Express :: Healt… Read MoreYou Can See More: The popular diet that could lead to seven life threatening illnesses - a new study showsThe following article The popular diet that could lead to seven life threatening illnesses - a new study shows is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health … Read MoreYou Can See More: Sue Perkins health: The diagnosis that 'destroyed' her life - and symptoms for you to spotThe following article Sue Perkins health: The diagnosis that 'destroyed' her life - and symptoms for you to spot is courtesy of Daily Express :: Healt… Read MoreYou Can See More: High blood pressure: The popular fruit that can raise your blood pressure - watch intakeThe following article High blood pressure: The popular fruit that can raise your blood pressure - watch intake is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health … Read MoreYou Can See More: Covid vaccine warning: Jabs could lead to colour change in fingers and toesThe following article Covid vaccine warning: Jabs could lead to colour change in fingers and toes is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed SIDE e… Read More
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