You Can See More: Dementia: Your body profile can help ward off brain decline suggests new study 12:40 PM Daily Express :: Health Feed No comments The following article Dementia: Your body profile can help ward off brain decline suggests new study is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed DEMENTIA cases are expected to nearly triple by 2050. Yet finding a cure for the illness still eludes researchers today. A new study has identified one type of body fat that may be key to warding off signs of dementia. Share It Facebook Twitter LinkedIn BLOG AUTHOR Please add Follow him @ Linkedin | Instagram | Twitter Related Posts:You Can See More: Covid hearing loss symptom: Can coronavirus cause hearing loss or tinnitus?The following article Covid hearing loss symptom: Can coronavirus cause hearing loss or tinnitus? is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed COVID … Read MoreYou Can See More: Can you have the coronavirus vaccine if you're on statins?The following article Can you have the coronavirus vaccine if you're on statins? is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed STATIN prescriptions fo… Read MoreYou Can See More: Who is at risk of blood clots? How could AstraZeneca cause them? Can aspirin prevent them?The following article Who is at risk of blood clots? How could AstraZeneca cause them? Can aspirin prevent them? is courtesy of Daily Express :: Healt… Read MoreYou Can See More: Covid symptoms warning: What does diarrhoea feel like for coronavirus? Signs in your pooThe following article Covid symptoms warning: What does diarrhoea feel like for coronavirus? Signs in your poo is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health … Read MoreYou Can See More: Visceral fat: Olives contain monounsaturated fat which helps to get rid of belly fatThe following article Visceral fat: Olives contain monounsaturated fat which helps to get rid of belly fat is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed… Read More
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