You Can See More: Statins side effects: Cholesterol drug may cause hepatitis – symptoms to spot 12:40 AM Daily Express :: Health Feed No comments The following article Statins side effects: Cholesterol drug may cause hepatitis – symptoms to spot is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed STATINS are a type of drug used to treat high cholesterol. Just like other medicines they can cause side effects. Some of these side effects are more serious than others. Share It Facebook Twitter LinkedIn BLOG AUTHOR Please add Follow him @ Linkedin | Instagram | Twitter Related Posts:You Can See More: Hair loss: A doctor approves six strategies to help prevent further thinning and baldnessThe following article Hair loss: A doctor approves six strategies to help prevent further thinning and baldness is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health… Read MoreYou Can See More: Covid: You're 10x more at risk of a CVST brain blood clot after coronavirus than vaccineThe following article Covid: You're 10x more at risk of a CVST brain blood clot after coronavirus than vaccine is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health … Read MoreYou Can See More: Bloating: The FODMAP diet could help reduce a bloated stomach - what is it?The following article Bloating: The FODMAP diet could help reduce a bloated stomach - what is it? is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed BLOATI… Read MoreYou Can See More: How does the ‘garlic breath test’ work? How does it help prevent the spread of Covid?The following article How does the ‘garlic breath test’ work? How does it help prevent the spread of Covid? is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Fee… Read MoreYou Can See More: Blood pressure: Polluted cities increase BP readings but exercise can still manage riskThe following article Blood pressure: Polluted cities increase BP readings but exercise can still manage risk is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health F… Read More
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