You Can See More: How to lose visceral fat: Doctor recommends baked potatoes to help shift the belly fat 3:43 AM Daily Express :: Health Feed No comments The following article How to lose visceral fat: Doctor recommends baked potatoes to help shift the belly fat is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed VISCERAL fat hides in the abdomen cavity, accumulating around the liver and intestines. However, it stands to reason that if you're overweight, you're more than likely carrying excess visceral fat - but what can be done about it? Share It Facebook Twitter LinkedIn BLOG AUTHOR Please add Follow him @ Linkedin | Instagram | Twitter Related Posts:You Can See More: Can you have a flu jab if you have a cold?The following article Can you have a flu jab if you have a cold? is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed FLU season is approaching and more peop… Read MoreYou Can See More: How to live longer: The tea to drink to protect against heart disease and type 2 diabetesThe following article How to live longer: The tea to drink to protect against heart disease and type 2 diabetes is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health… Read MoreYou Can See More: Type 2 diabetes: The sign on your feet that signals your blood sugar levels are too highThe following article Type 2 diabetes: The sign on your feet that signals your blood sugar levels are too high is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health … Read MoreYou Can See More: Menstrual Cup: What is a menstrual cup? How does it work?The following article Menstrual Cup: What is a menstrual cup? How does it work? is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed MENSTRUAL CUPS are seein… Read MoreYou Can See More: Coronavirus symptoms update: The 'serious' sign in your speech to watch out forThe following article Coronavirus symptoms update: The 'serious' sign in your speech to watch out for is courtesy of Daily Express :: Health Feed CO… Read More
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